Basic vector math and mesh operations. More...
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "simpmesh.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "mcx_utils.h"
#include "posix_randr.h"
#include "fastmath.h"
Functions | |
void | mesh_init (tetmesh *mesh) |
void | mesh_init_from_cfg (tetmesh *mesh, Config *cfg) |
void | mesh_error (char *msg) |
void | mesh_filenames (char *format, char *foutput, Config *cfg) |
void | mesh_loadnode (tetmesh *mesh, Config *cfg) |
void | mesh_loadmedia (tetmesh *mesh, Config *cfg) |
void | mesh_loadelem (tetmesh *mesh, Config *cfg) |
void | mesh_loadelemvol (tetmesh *mesh, Config *cfg) |
void | mesh_loadfaceneighbor (tetmesh *mesh, Config *cfg) |
void | mesh_clear (tetmesh *mesh) |
void | tracer_init (raytracer *tracer, tetmesh *pmesh) |
void | tracer_clear (raytracer *tracer) |
void | tracer_build (raytracer *tracer) |
float | mc_next_scatter (float g, float3 *dir, RandType *ran, RandType *ran0, Config *cfg) |
void | mesh_saveweight (tetmesh *mesh, Config *cfg) |
float | mesh_normalize (tetmesh *mesh, Config *cfg, float Eabsorb, float Etotal) |
Variables | |
char | pathsep = '/' |
Basic vector math and mesh operations.