Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
drand48_dataData structure for communication with thread safe versions
MMC_configThis structure defines the problem settings (domain, filenames, session)
MMC_float3Floating-point triplet {x,y,z}
MMC_float4Floating-point quadraplet {x,y,z,w}
MMC_int2Integer pair {ix,iy}
MMC_int3Integer triplet {ix,iy,iz}
MMC_int4Unsigned integer quadraplet {ix,iy,iz,iw}
MMC_mediumThis structure defines the optical properties for each medium
MMC_meshBasic FEM mesh data structrure
MMC_raytracerRay-tracer data structrure for pre-computed data
MMC_uint2Unsigned integer pair {ix,iy}
MMC_uint3Unsigned integer triplet {ix,iy,iz}
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